La Peau Que J’habite

La Peau Que J’habite

Dr. Tan has been mentioned in a Quebec-based article on skin conditions. Check it out! La peau est le plus grand organe du corps humain. Armure mal aimée, elle est parfois lourde à porter. Des chercheurs viennent toutefois à notre rescousse. La Peau Que...
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Acne Scarring

Prevalence and Risk Factors of Acne Scarring

Dr. Tan’s latest research has been centered around acne scarring. Click the link below for the abstract to his paper investigating the frequency of scarring in patients with acne. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Acne Scarring  
Going beyond clinical guidelines for acne treatment

Going beyond clinical guidelines for acne treatment

According to the panel’s recommendations, published last year in the July-August Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, other individual patient features that might impact how dermatologists change or modify treatment include patient-reported impact, gender, skin...
Stigma of acne worse in the age of selfies, experts say

Stigma of acne worse in the age of selfies, experts say

Doctor Jerry Tan, who is a member of the society, says young people in this age of selfies and social media are more self-conscious about their looks than ever before.   Everything on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is about posting and sharing selfies, photos and...